Beringer Brakes


From: Dan Ballin <dballin [at]>
Sender: <marv [at]>
Subject: Beringer Brakes
Date: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 13:21:06 -0400
To: <lml [at]>

I have a Legacy and am considering  Beringer brakes.  I like the idea

that they will work better than the standard, but am concerned about

maintainance specifically how easy is it to change tires, needing to

use their specific parts - pads, o rings etc.  Anyone have experience

or thoughts.

BTW  David Robinson and I will be at Reno with Race 92 and a new

Sponsor -Redbird Flight Simulations, so stop by the Sport Hangar and

say hi.

Dan Ballin

LEG2  386DM

Beringer Brakes

From: Adam Molny <Adam [at]>
Sender: <marv [at]>
Subject: RE: Beringer Brakes
Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 09:46:26 -0400
To: <lml [at]>

Dan -

'Works better than standard' implies that there is something wrong with the

Lancair-supplied Cleveland wheels and brakes. I have never had any problems

with mine. I can lock the brakes at just about any speed which means the

brakes are more than powerful enough. I have also never had any problems

with brake fade. The nylaflow tubing failed even before my first flight but

that's a separate issue.

I believe the Beringer brakes require DOT 6 brake fluid. This is

glycol-based so spills or drips will immediately ruin any painted surface

they touch.

Most important: be VERY careful when selecting non-standard suppliers for

your airplane parts. I have $28,000 worth of Blue Mountain EFIS collecting

dust in my basement because the company went belly up and the units are no

longer supported. The same goes for my Aerocomposites propeller. Will

Beringer still be around in 10 or 15 years? Will they still be making

replacement parts for your system? Building and maintaining an airplane is a

big job. Don't make it any harder than it needs to be.

If you're concerned about cosmetics you can always have the rims stripped

and powder-coated to any custom color you choose. They also come with hub

caps which give you a bit more canvas to play with.

Keep it simple!

-Adam Molny

Legacy N181AM 260 hours

-----Original Message-----

From: Dan Ballin [dballin [at] (mailto:)


Sent: Saturday, August 16, 2014 1:21 PM

Subject: Beringer Brakes

I have a Legacy and am considering  Beringer brakes.  I like the idea

that they will work better than the standard, but am concerned about

maintainance specifically how easy is it to change tires, needing to

use their specific parts - pads, o rings etc.  Anyone have experience

or thoughts.

BTW  David Robinson and I will be at Reno with Race 92 and a new

Sponsor -Redbird Flight Simulations, so stop by the Sport Hangar and

say hi.

Dan Ballin

LEG2  386DM

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