
From the Founders...

The Lancair Owner & Builders Organization (LOBO) is a collaborative group and type club for all people who own, fly, build, support, maintain and just plain love Lancair and Evolution aircraft. It is the realization of a collective vision to cultivate an organization designed from the ground up to support Lancair and Evolution aircraft enthusiasts. Many aircraft owners enjoy membership in type clubs; We have been involved with a few over the years. Our experience with type clubs has been tremendously positive, paying dividends many times the cost of dues, including good friendships, great times and personal development toward becoming a better, safer pilot. Type clubs exist to support the community of people who share the common bonds of flight and ownership. Of the many benefits, perhaps the most important is the shared collective knowledge about building, maintaining, operating and owning a fine aircraft. Members also benefit from programs promoting safety and education, training events, maintenance clinics, AirVenture forums, technical advice, access to published maintenance and flight training material, and the camaraderie of social activities related to these events.

Board of Directors

  • George Rosel, President
  • Bob Pastusek, Secretary
  • Steve Bradford, Treasurer
  • Matthew Speare, Director of Safety and Training
  • George Wehrung, Director at Large
  • Tom Sullivan, Director at Large
  • Jeff Edwards, Director at Large
  • Ryan Riley, Webmaster

What We Do

LOBO represents its members in issues that matter, including training, insurance, airport access, experimental aircraft issues, government regulation, and others. Your LOBO board are all Lancair owners/builders. We work hard to make the Lancair community the finest example of amateur-built experimental aviation in the world. Lancair aircraft have a solid reputation for elegance, beauty, and unmatched performance, and we want to keep it that way. We welcome aboard all who share our vision of continued enjoyment and enhancement of these marvelous aircraft. We are looking for more leaders and volunteers to build LOBO into the organization we all want it to be--the best in GA today. If you have ideas, suggestions or some free time to make it happen, please contact one of us.


LOBO is the vision of a group of Lancair and Evolution aircraft enthusiasts who strongly believe in the need for a united Lancair community. LOBO's board sees many challenges in the current general aviation flying environment. Continuing safety concerns, an ever changing regulatory climate and a dwindling list of service and support suppliers are but a few of the issues affecting the continued safe enjoyment of these fine aircraft.  For these reasons, LOBO was formed to support the Lancair and Evolution aircraft communities.

Role of LOBO

LOBO is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit voluntary membership organization. Its purpose is to support owners, builders and pilots of Lancair and Evolution aircraft, and to promote aviation safety within the Lancair/Evolution community and throughout the general aviation community at large. LOBO serves this mission by promoting the safe use and enjoyment of Lancair and Evolution aircraft of all models, with an emphasis on owner, builder and pilot education and training. In addition, LOBO encourages communication and cooperation among its members, and represents LOBO members with vendors, including Lancair International Inc. (the developer of these beautiful aircraft), aviation training providers, insurance providers, and businesses, manufacturers and suppliers who support Lancair and Evolution aircraft. LOBO also advocates for its members' interests with US and international regulatory agencies and the wider general aviation community.


As a charitable education and safety organization, LOBO is prohibited from directly promoting or providing material support to commercial (profit-making) enterprises. Our role with commercial enterprises is limited to identifying those we believe can best support the needs of Lancair and Evolution aircraft owners and builders, and encouraging our members to support these organizations when appropriate. In addition, LOBO does not sponsor flying events.

Lancair International and LOBO are separate unaffiliated organizations. LOBO supports Lancair International to the fullest extent possible within the scope of our mission.

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, any donations you make to LOBO may be tax-deductible. Click here for more information about making a donation.

Terms of Service

By using this website, you agree to LOBO's Terms of Service.

Code of Conduct

Above all, LOBO is an organization of people. To be successful, all members must strive toward furthering the goals outlined above. To that end, LOBO has adopted a Code of Conduct based on the Aviators Model Code of Conduct. Click here to get a copy of LOBO's Code of Conduct.


Finally, LOBO encourages the enjoyment and use of our aircraft through fellowship with other Lancair and Evolution aircraft enthusiasts. By planning and organizing membership and sponsor-supported events, meetings, forums, symposiums and other gatherings open to the wider general aviation community, we can share our respect, appreciation, enthusiasm and love for Lancair and Evolution aircraft.

Join LOBO Now!

If this sounds like a group you wish to be involved with click here to join today! If you would like more information, or you would just like to speak with someone, click here to contact us.