Transponder failure


From: Greenbacks, UnLtd. <N4ZQ [at] VERIZON.NET>
Subject: Transponder failure
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 21:26:15 -0400
To: List Lancair Mailing <lml [at]>

N4ZQ was at 12k this morning over Portsmouth, NH when the Apollo/Garmin SL70 dropped dead. This got Boston Center's attention

since I was now just a primary target and the could not see my altitude. Anyway, the SL70 is on its way to Garmin AT in Oregon to get a new lease

on life. I'll be grounded for several weeks since I'm within the 30 mile Boston mode C veil and transponder required.

Any chance one of you have an Apollo or Garmin SL70 you might be willing to loan out till my unit is returned?

Angier Ames



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