RSVP for No. Calif. Lancair Flyin


From: Dennis Johnson <pinetownd [at]>
Sender: <marv [at]>
Subject: RSVP for No. Calif. Lancair Flyin
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 09:31:39 -0400
To: <lml [at]>

are only two weeks until the Northern California and Nevada Lancair flyin at
Placerville, California.  Our hosts, Claudette and Steve Colwell, have
arranged a fun flyin for us.  We're expecting a great turnout and hope you
can join us for a fun day looking at and talking about airplanes.  There's
a nice shaded picnic area next to the EAA hangar and bathrooms. 

is the time to RSVP to me so I can let Claudette know how much food to make for

for Placerville Lancair Flyin

What:  Lancair Northern California

When:  Saturday, July 13, 2013, from 10:00 AM
to 2:00 PM

Where:  Placerville Airport (PVF), which is
northeast of Sacramento

landing, taxi southwest on the parallel taxiway.  Abeam the west end of the runway, turn
right and continue, keeping to the right of the line of parked airplanes.  At the end of the line of parked
airplanes and the beginning of hangars, bear to the right and continue a short
distance.  Parking will be on the
first open area on the right, in front of the EAA hangar.

will be provided for an $8 contribution and we’ll eat in a shaded picnic area
with tables and benches next door to the EAA hangar and restrooms.   

is available in the parking area north of the runway, near midfield.  For off-airport exploration, arrange
rental cars with Enterprise.

RSVP to me, including how many people and if you are flying or driving.  The RSVP is important for making sure we
have enough food for everyone!

go to the hosts, Steve and Claudette Colwell.

Johnson, Legacy

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