Love my Lancair 320!!


From: Dan & Kari Olsen <olsen25 [at]>
Sender: <marv [at]>
Subject: Love my Lancair 320!!
Date: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 14:52:29 -0400
To: <lml [at]>

Just a quick note to keep some of you builders of the 235/320/360 motivated…


My God Mother passed away recently and the funeral was to be held this past Saturday near Devils Lake, ND.  This is about a 12 hour drive for me from Colorado, so doubtful that I would attend.  However, I have a Lancair 320 (aka, Magic Carpet), so the trip was easy.  Headwinds on the way up, so just over 3hrs.  Slight tail winds on the way home, so just under 3hrs.  On the way home, here are some stats of the flight:

·         ALT = 16,000;

·         MP = 16.9”

·         RPM = 2200

·         Mixture LOP (30-40 degF)

·         Fuel Flow = 5.3 GPH

·         KTAS = 180 KTS

·         GS = 190KTS

·         Fuel Economy = 39mpg!!


So, I left in the morning, attended the funeral and was home in time for dinner.  All on less gas than my Toyota Corolla.


Love this plane!!!


Dan Olsen

Fort Collins, CO


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