LOBO-Lancair Landing 2013 Registration - Gliche


From: Lisa Williams <lisaw [at] lancair.com>
Sender: <marv [at] lancaironline.net>
Subject: LOBO-Lancair Landing 2013 Registration - Gliche
Date: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 20:57:13 -0400
To: <lml [at] lancaironline.net>

IS NOT CLOSED!  We’re sorry everyone, but a gremlin crawled into the website.  I tried to fix it without success so we’ll have to wait until Mark Sletten, our computer whiz and newsletter editor emeritus gets off work and can fix things.  In the meantime, the PayPal buttons are working to pay your registration.  Since we’ve had this problem, we’ll extend the Advance Registration Rates one more day until open of business August 8. 


Our apologies.


Claudette Colwell




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