Landing gear checks


From: George Shattuck <gws37 [at]>
Sender: <marv [at]>
Subject: Landing gear checks
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 10:16:31 -0400
To: <lml [at]>
It doesn't seem safe to me to hope that weight on
the mains will keep them from retracting during nose gear retract/extend
checks.  I tie the tail down to a tiedown spot so the nose gear is off the
ground, cap off the hydraulic lines to the mains in the wheel
wells and cycle the nose gear normally.  The tail tiedown is not at
the tiedown fitting built in, but rather with a rope across the fuselage just
forward of the horizontal stab.  I have a piece of carpet over the fuselage
so the ropes do not mar the painted surface.
As shown in the attached photos, I check each main
separately by capping off the other main in the wheel well and the hyd. line to
the nose gear under the seats, then cycle the jacked up main as necessary. 
Some will question the auto jack I use, (looks shaky) but with the airplane
securely chocked, in the hangar, it does the job.
George Shattuck

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