Lancair Parking at Airventure 2013


From: Info Lancair <info [at]>
Sender: <marv [at]>
Subject: [SPAM] Lancair Parking at Airventure 2013
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 21:20:57 -0400
To: <lml [at]>

Dear Lancair Owners,


The following is a post from Jeannie Schneider, corvette38 [at]

regarding Lancair parking at Airventure 2013.

Jeannie writes: “Here is the scoop for this year with the Lancairs (my babies):


Due to the increase of past grand champions by Homebuilt HQ, we have decided to make it easier on the larger Lancairs.  The XP's, IV's and turbines will be parking just west of the Lancair parking. You will be within a couple hundred feet of the usual Lancair  area but we want to accommodate the requests of not having to go through all the grass.  So instead of turning to the left to where the smaller Lancairs will park, we are going to take you down P1 and then turn left and down the side hard surface to a parking spot there.  It will be easier to move the aircraft and the larger Lancairs will all be together and within a short distance of the smaller Lancairs. 


We, Homebuilt Parking, are facing a few challenges this year.... we will not only be short staffed (this is a pitch for more volunteers) but we have a large contingent of past grand champions coming that will fill most of the area in front of HB HQs which makes the other special parking spill into other rows that were designated previously for same type aircraft.


We and I feel this will definitely help with the taxing in the grass which has been a negative with pilots for a while, especially the larger Lancairs.  You won't be that far off of the flightline and your aircraft will probably be more noticed there with visitors going from the main areas to the War Bird area. 


I will be positioning my gator by Lancairland to help with taxi-ing them to the spots we've picked out.  I think you are really going to like this change.  We've been trying to transition this for a while and what better time than now.”


We hope to see you at Airventure next week!


Fly Safe,


Lancair International Inc.





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