ISKRA Starter


From: Duane Allen <c177av8r [at]>
Sender: <marv [at]>
Subject: ISKRA Starter
Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 22:31:23 -0400
To: <lml [at]>
At about 115 hours TT the oil dipstick came apart due to poor fabrication.
(The flexible part was only partly inserted into the solid crimp part when fabricated).  When I called Continental to order another, I mentioned that I had an unusual problem I've never seen on an airplane before. 
After landing if I moved the prop it felt as if the main bearing had seized on the crankshaft.  Once it was moved, it felt normal.  The rep asked what kind of starter I had.  When I told him it was an Iskra, he said "pull that off and use it for a boat anchor.  DO NOT put it on another airplane." 
So, along with a new dipstick I got a new PM starter (15 lbs. instead of 6) but capable of cranking the engine for minutes at a time without even getting warm.
It only took a few minutes to make the change and no more binding of the crankshaft which he said was actually the starter not dis engaging all the way.
Thank you Continental. 
I told him a friend at a nearby airport had just spent $2400 replacing his starter and adapter.  The rep's comment was that that had been happening a lot, thus the recommendation to replace it with the heavy duty starter.
I'm happy.
Duane N39WG Super ES

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