Chelton 6.0 B-2


From: David Weinsweig <weinsweigd [at]>
Sender: <marv [at]>
Subject: Chelton 6.0 B-2
Date: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 08:01:05 -0400
To: <lml [at]>
Hi John,

I have a copy  of this file that David Black from cobham emailed me a couple of years ago. I would be happy to email it to you. However, after a mechanic tried to install it in my cheltons, one screen went black. Not sure if it wasn't installed correctly or whether it was corrupted or whether it was time for my Chelton to fail but with your experience it is concerning that the file from cobham is bad. I ended up sending my units back to cobham for reprogramming and updates and unless someone can convince me otherwise I have no plans to mess with the software ever again other than nav data updates. 

David Weinsweig
N750DW Propjet

From: John Barrett

Sender: <marv [at]

Subject: Chelton software 6.0B-2
Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 12:12:11 -0400
To: lml [at]

Does anyone have a reliable copy of this file?  I procured one to upgrade my Chelton system a couple of months ago and it trashed the entire program making the Chelton unusable.  I got someone to restore it and upgrade it,(was told the file I used must have been corrupted) but I have another IDU that now needs to be upgraded and am looking for a good clean copy of the upgrade file.

Ideally I would love to get two copies from different sources to compare to be more confident the upgrade won't produce the same result because of corruption.

John Barrett

Sent from my iPad

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