brightness on the Ipad


From: PETER WILLIAMS <peterpawaviation [at]>
Sender: <marv [at]>
Subject: brightness on the Ipad
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 05:50:15 -0400
To: <lml [at]>

try going to settings and look for "brightness;" set it all the way up and  see if that helps.

also do you have sun visors or the stick to the windshield sun visors...that might help as well

i fly a 4P and have had good luck seeing the ipad


To: lml [at]
Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 18:41:31 -0400
From: pinetownd [at]
Subject: [LML] Re: Ipad advice needed

I have found that my iPad 1 is practically useless in the cockpit because
of the bright light.
Is this true for all the various editions of the iPad?????
Thanks, Bill Hogarty
Hi Bill,
I have the newest iPad, the iPad 4 (Apple calls it the iPad with Retinal
Display).  My friend has an original iPad 1.  We held them side by
side at the airport on a sunny day and I couldn't tell any difference between
the brightness of the two displays. 
So far, I've always been able to read my iPad in the cockpit, finding the
right angle to avoid glare, but I'm getting a canopy sunshade soon to make it

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