Algie Composite Class


From: Tim Farrell <motoracer [at]>
Sender: <marv [at]>
Subject: Algie Composite Class
Date: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 08:01:05 -0400
To: <lml [at]>
David Algie of Algie Composite Aircraft offers a 2.5 day course where he teaches a bunch of different advanced carbon fiber and mold making techniques that are applicable to the industry and to the homebuilder.  It's a smoking deal at $500.  He needs a confirmed group to sign up in order to confirm dates.  He has said that the days before AirVenture would work, Fri the 26th through Sun the 28th.  Since he is relatively near OshKosh, at least for us west coasters, I think it is a good opportunity to combine two trips.  I would like to take the course and I am looking to find others who are willing to commit.  He has a yahoo group with more info.  Friends have taken the course and found it to be well worth their time and money.  If you are interested in attending, please post here or contact me directly.

All the best,


Tim Farrell
140 Aviation Way
Watsonville, CA 95076
(831) 722-9141

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