
From: PETER WILLIAMS <peterpawaviation [at] hotmail.com>
Sender: <marv [at] lancaironline.net>
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 05:50:15 -0400
To: <lml [at] lancaironline.net>

need more seats? need docile handling? need more room?

i have a very well maintained Cessna 340A to trade for a Lancair 4 or 4P.

i have had the plane seven years and have maintained it to a high mechanical level.
i fly into the Cape and Islands in the northeast and if you are shooting to 100 sky obscured one mile
you want the plane to be there when you need it.

for my long trips i go nonstop TEB to KEYW with the 201 gallons on board.
full deice and Garmin 530, burn 28.5 GPH (63%)

electric A/C so you can hookup to a GPU and step into a cool airplane

VGs which bring the stall speed below minimum control speed and add 300 lbs to the gross. it lands like a Cessna 182.

there is much more info if you are interested.

email me as i will be in Europe for the next couple of weeks

peterpaw [at] aol.com


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